Thursday, April 16, 2015

Bazaar Schedule: 10a Alabama Handmade Arts & Crafts Fair

It's time for this year's first 10a Alabama Handmade Arts & Crafts Fair! It's happening this weekend, April 18-19 from 12nn to 7pm.

Lots of amazing local brands will be there, and there will be mini arts and crafts workshops on both days as well. It's going to be a fun, crafty weekend! Check out the event's fb page here. See you there!

event poster by Ella Lama and Geli Balcruz <3

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Easter Treats: Crocheted Beanie Egg Cosies and Pompom Bunny Tail Keychains

Happy Easter! Here is a couple of projects I made in keeping with this Sunday's celebration-- pompom bunny tail keychains and crocheted beanie egg cosies. Both are quick and simple projects that you can finish in minutes. They're functional and super cute too!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Nikita Web Store is Now Up!

Happy Easter everyone! How was your long weekend? I've been working on the new web store the past days and, finally, the site's up! You can now see all my handmade jewelry online, and purchase right off the online store. I figured I'd launch the site today 'cause, after all, Easter's about renewal, resurrection (like of my blogging stint, hah), and new beginnings. So cheers to a relevant and meaningful holiday for us!

Since it's Easter Sunday, I thought of making a few crochet egg cosies and bunny tail keychains to give away with all purchases made from the web store today! Visit the shop now and place your order to receive this special treat.

I'm sharing the crochet pattern for the egg cosies in this post. Have a very nice Sunday!

Visit the new NIKITA WEB STORE and shop now >>